How I Made $24,000 with One Product (and How You Can Too!)

Okay, listen up! Forget what you think you know about making money online. I stumbled on a way that’s so under the radar, hardly anyone on YouTube is even whispering about it. And guess what? It’s working.

At first, this little trick was bringing me in around $800 to $1,000 every month. Seriously, it was practically automatic. But then – get this – I made one tiny change, and it exploded! We’re talking $24,000 in just a few days from selling one single thing. I did it again with something else, and boom! A $21,000 deposit showed up. And then another one for $115,000! I even signed a contract for $40,000 where they were going to pay me bit by bit. Stick with me, and I’ll show you how you can make money online the same way.

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Finding the Secret Spot for Online Income

So, how did I find this secret money-making spot for generating online income? I was doing some online digging and noticed a bunch of people selling stuff like digital guides and eBooks on a website that hardly anyone had heard of back then. Now, I had been trying a bunch of different ways to make money online, but this was different. These people weren't just making a few bucks here and there. They were building real businesses with real money coming in. And the best part? They weren't doing anything super complicated or needing to be a tech whiz. They were just really smart about how they did things. I'm going to show you the exact steps in this article to make money online.

Turning Peanuts into a Fortune: The Power of Online Business

Honestly, at first, I thought it sounded way too good to be true. I had to try it out myself. And what happened next blew my mind. Within a few months, I made my own thing to sell – it only took a few hours – and it started bringing in that sweet $800 to $1,000 every single month. It was like free money! And here’s the cool part: First, it was like getting passive income without having to keep doing work. Second, I figured out a way to turn that monthly cash into one HUGE payday. In my case, it was a massive $24,000 that landed all at once! This is the potential of a real online business.

Okay, let's be real. This isn’t some magic trick to get rich quick. It took me a few months of messing around and trying things out to get it all set up. But once I did, the whole system pretty much ran itself. Let me walk you through how I did it so you can make money online too.

Finding What People Really Want to Buy to Earn Online Income

The first thing I did was find a problem that a whole bunch of people were searching for on Google. I looked for problems that people were actually spending money to fix. The way I figured this out was using a website called ClickBank.

Now, maybe you’ve heard people talk about ClickBank before. But this is a totally different way to use it, something you probably haven’t heard of. Get ready for this: I’ve learned that if you see a lot of different things in the same area selling really well, it’s not just luck. It means a bunch of people are spending their money in that specific area. And that’s exactly what I was looking for on ClickBank to find a way to earn online income.

If you don’t have a ClickBank account yet, just pause reading for a sec, go make one – it’s super easy – and then come back and keep reading. While you’re doing that, let me tell you why ClickBank is so awesome for this. Nobody’s paying me to say this, I’ve just used it for years, and it’s one of the easiest ways for someone new to start making money online. See, unlike some other websites, ClickBank gives you all the important details about how well different things are selling. You can see how much money people are usually spending, how many people ask for refunds, and even how much other people are making with the exact same thing. This information is like gold for what we’re about to do.

Once you’re logged in, check out a few things that you’re actually interested in. That’ll make more sense later. But if you look through the different categories, you’ll find stuff you like, whether it’s about your house or being healthy or getting fit.

Spotting the Hot Sellers on ClickBank for Online Profit

The next thing you gotta do is sort the list – you’ll see how to do it at the top – and organize it from the things that make the most money to the least. You want to find something where you can make a good chunk of money for each sale, and something that’s already selling like crazy to other people. That way, you don’t have to guess if it’s good – other people have already figured that out by buying it! Once you find something that other people are really selling well, you make what’s called a "hop link." This is a special link just for you, with a secret code that tells ClickBank that anyone clicking on that link came from you, so you get paid. For me, I found something about Chess and decided to give it a shot at generating online profit.

Testing the Water (Without Losing Your Shirt!) with Google Ads

Then, I went over to This is a website where you can put ads on Google, so when someone searches for something like this [Imagine a simple example search, like "learn to play chess"], your ad can pop up right at the top where it says “Sponsored.”

Now, here’s a cool trick about Google Ads you might not know: you can start running ads, just like the ones I’m talking about, and Google won’t charge you for them right away. In my case, I could spend up to $500 on ads before Google even took money from my account. You’ll see why this is super important in just a second for online business.

So, say I made an ad about Chess. It would show up at the top when someone searched for Chess stuff. But instead of sending people who clicked on my ad to my own website, I just sent them straight to my ClickBank hop link for that Chess thing I found. So, here’s what happens: someone searches, they click on my link, which sends them straight to ClickBank, and when they buy that Chess thing on ClickBank, I get a cut of the money from that sale.

Then, I took all that money I was getting and used it to pay for more ads. I’m not going to go into all the details of setting up the ads and all that, but I did a lot of trying different ads, different headlines, different words to see what worked best. But here’s the secret: my goal wasn’t even to make a profit yet. And this is really, really important. All I wanted to do with these ads was make sure that the money I was getting from the Chess thing on ClickBank was enough to pay for the cost of the ads. My goal was just to break even – a crucial step in building an online business.

Why Just Break Even? It's Like Doing Free Market Research!

I know, it probably doesn’t make any sense. Why would you go through all this just to break even? But we’re not done yet! This is like doing free market research. You’re testing the product to see how well it does. How well does a Chess thing sell when you actually put it out there for people to buy? You want to see if people are actually interested in it.

Making Your Own Awesome Stuff for Passive Income

Then, what I did was, I turned around and made my own version of that product and started selling that online instead. But I already knew it was going to work because I tried selling someone else’s product first! By the time I was done with all that testing, I knew exactly what words people were searching for, which ads worked the best to sell a Chess thing, and even what kinds of people were the most interested – because Google Ads tells you what age they are, what country they’re from, all that stuff. I learned all this information basically for free, because remember, all the money I was getting from ClickBank paid for the ads. This is the key to creating passive income.

So, let me say it again: first, you try selling some stuff through a ClickBank link using Google Ads, and you don’t have to pay for the ads because the money you make from ClickBank covers it. Once you find something that’s really working, then you go to the next step: making your own product in that same area. I’m going to show you how easy it is. I did it in just a few hours.

You don’t want to make a total copy of the other person’s product, but you want it to be similar enough so you can get the same good results when you start selling your own thing. And when you’re selling your own product, you get to keep 100% of the money instead of just a small cut.

The easiest way to make a product, which is what I did, is to make something digital, like an eBook or a how-to guide in a PDF, or even a video showing how to do something. So, in my example, I saw that the Chess thing was selling really well through my ads. So, I went and made my own Chess thing. You can even get help online to create the product! Seriously! Someone can help you make a product in this exact area. I even hired someone to make videos showing a little chess board and moving the pieces around to make it even better. But you don’t even have to go that far. As long as the thing you make is similar to the one that was already selling well, you’re good.

Then, you go right back to ClickBank. You’ll see a button to sell your own product. You click that, and boom, you’re selling your own thing right alongside everyone else in that category. And you’re keeping all the cash! I’m not just making this up – this is literally what I’ve done, more than once!

Turning Small Sales into a Giant Payday by Selling Your Website

But wait, there’s more! Remember I told you at the beginning about that huge payday? I’m going to show you how to turn this whole thing into tens of thousands of dollars. In my case, with my Chess thing, it was a $24,000 payday, and it all started with a tiny little eBook telling people how to play Chess! This is done by selling your website.

Let’s go over what we’ve done so far: first, you found a good product that someone else owned and you tested selling it and saw that it sells really well. Then, you made your own version of that product and started selling it on ClickBank too.

Now, for the secret sauce to get that giant payday I was talking about: you turn around and sell the entire website and everything to someone else, like a mini-business. You’ve probably heard on the news about companies selling for millions, even billions of dollars. We’re doing the same thing, but smaller. Instead of selling for millions, we’re selling a little business that’s making maybe $800 to $1,000 a month. And people will pay you for two or three years worth of those earnings.

So, with my Chess thing making around $1,000 a month profit, I sold it as a mini-business for two years of profit: $24,000! And you can do this too!

But there are a few things you need to do first. First, make sure your product is awesome. No problems, no bugs, everything works perfectly. Second, keep track of all your money stuff. Make reports showing how much traffic you’re getting, how much you’re spending on ads (if you are), how much money you’re making each month, and what your total profits are. If you can take pictures that show real proof, that’s even better. I would log into my Google account and my ClickBank account and take pictures of the money coming in and put those in my report. Third, make sure you really own everything in your product. No sneaky pictures or anything that belongs to someone else that could cause problems later when selling your website.

Once you’ve done all that, you can list it online for sale as a business. The best way to do this is to find someone who helps sell businesses. They know all the legal stuff and can make sure everyone gets paid. That’s what I did. But a simple way to do it without that is to go to a website called Flippa. You can see other people selling their websites for some big bucks! You can go on Flippa and see how much people are paying for website businesses like yours. You could even get ideas for your product by looking at what’s selling well on Flippa in the first place! Flippa will even give you a free idea of what they think your website could sell for.

But what you want to aim for is maybe two or even three years of profits. Figure out how much profit you make in a year and then multiply that by two or three. You can check if you’re on the right track by looking at other similar listings on Flippa. That’s what most people are selling their website businesses for these days.

It also helps if you’ve been selling your product for a few months and have good sales numbers to show. You don’t want to just set up your product, sell it for one month, and then try to sell the whole business. You’ll make a lot more money if you can show that it’s been making steady money for 5, 6, or 8 months. Buyers will be way more interested if you have a good track record when selling your website.

And that’s exactly how I did it, turning a small website making maybe $800 to $1,000 a month into a $24,000 payday. I’ve done this more than once, and it’s a great way to get a huge chunk of money all at once, even if your product isn’t making a ton online right now. This is the power of making money online.

What do you think about this method? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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